
International tourists and locals, both love to visit Chantathen waterfall for their own reasons. Find information about Chan Ta Then Waterfall.

Chantathen Waterfall

Chantathen Waterfall, situated in Khao Khiao - Khao Chom Phu Wildlife Sanctuary, is a 5 level waterfall with distance of one kilometer. The waterfall looks impressive particularly in the rainy season. However, even when the water is not abundant, tourists can track up and down the rock.

Moving Up and Down
One can walk up and down the waterfall on two pathways. The first one is along the waterfall itself or along the various levels of rocks. This route finds favour with tourists who want to enjoy the waterfall from close.

Natural Beauty
Chantathen Waterfall is popular among the locals and tourists alike. Locals use it as a picnic spot to get respite from boredom generated by routine work. Tourists also love to visit the waterfall. When they are tired of the hectic activities of Pattaya town, they opt for Chantathen Waterfall to soak in adorable natural beauty.

Best Time to Visit
Best time to visit Chan Ta Then Waterfall is right after the rainy season. This time the waterfall is in full flow. Loads of water falling from great height looks fantastic.

How to Reach
Move on the path leading to Khao Khieo Open Zoo. A the entrance to Wat Khao Mai Daeng, turn left. You would get to the sign which indicates the way to the waterfall. Drive down an asphalt road for another seven kilometers. You would get to the place where you have to park your car. Walk for two kilometers on the pathway. Greenery on both sides would refresh you. Sight of Chantathen Waterfall would fill you with enthusiasm and joy.

People interested in nature and wildlife can avail of camping activities on the waterfall site. The camping is organized by Wildlife Study Station.

Chantathen Waterfall is under the supervision of Kho Khieo - Khao Chomplui Wildlife Conservation District District and Khao Khieo Nature and Wildlife Study Station, located Khao Khiao.

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