
Sanctuary of Truth Pattaya is an upcoming gigantic wooden pavilion which is sure to get into the top guidebooks of the world. Learn what Sanctuary of Truth is all about.

Sanctuary of Truth

Sanctuary of Truth, a monumental structure near Pattaya, ia a colossal carved wooden pavilion displaying rich architectural heritage of Thailand. Showcasing the fine points of ancient Thai wisdom, this sacred architecture is carved in Ayutthaya style. Every inch of the structure is covered with wooden carved structure.

What Special About It
Sanctuary of Truth is colossal wooden building, perhaps the largest in the world. It is over 100 metre in height and 100 metre in breadth. It is as high as a twenty storey building. Wooden carving showcase several eastern cultures.

Wood Carvings
The temple is minutely adorned with wood carvings showcasing the four major philosophical and artistic influences that can be seen in Thailand: Hindu, Khmer, Chinese and Thai. As a matter of fact, the entire building is constructed of wood.

Different Wings, Different Styles
The structure of the Sanctuary of Truth can be segregated into four wings each of which has its own style. If one is bedecked with Chinese motifs, another resembles the monumental architecture of Angkor Wat. Wing having the main entrance is typically Thai. Exterior of the building is now complete. However, work in the interior is still going on.

The grand structure is located set on a rocky point of the coast just north of Pattaya, in Naklua.

How to Reach
Songtaews (small pickup trucks) regularly ply between Pattaya and Naklua. However, you have to leave songtaew at the end of Naklua Soi 12 and then have a long walk to the temple. If you have rented a car or motorbike, your journey to the temple would be much more comfortable.

Coming into Being
Credit of building this grand structure goes to a Thai billionaire famous as Khun Lek. He was the person who conceptualized Ancient City near Bangkok. After twenty years, his other mega project was 'the Sanctuary of Truth', the structure resembling a temple near Pattaya.

Horse Ride
Horse or buggy ride from the car park to the top of the hill is very interesting. If you are accustomed of traveling in a car, you would find riding a car or buggey intriguing.

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